Saturday, 1 August 2015

Rockets to Maitland...

...actually, close to Maitland.

Last weekend (I know. I'm slow) some of the Hornsby Rockets made their way north to Rutherford (close enough to Maitland to call it Maitland) for a couple of days of bowling.

On Saturday we had a good turnout and the Stats Man (aka Natham) compiled the following highlights:

Natham: 35 pins over average
Adam:   15 pins over average
Emma C: 5 strikes in a very nice game of 180

Adam:  23 pins over average
Natham: 17 pins over average including a turkey

Mark M.:  33 pins over average including a 4 Bagger in a very nice game of 220 
Adam:  28 Pins over average Including games of 201, 200 and two turkeys
Tim: 21 pins over average
Ben: 18 pins over average including a 4 bagger in a game of 168

Natham: 18 pins over average

A few of the bowlers returned on Sunday for the Masters Comp, and as soon as I get the results of that, I'll post them. (Actually, with my track record lately, about a week after I get the results, I'll post them.)

Happy bowling everyone, and ladies, check out the Burlesque Night (22 August) link at the top of the page.

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