Sunday, 2 December 2012

NSW TBA Disability Masters Championship 2012

Amy McFadden, Tim Wilson, Mark Lagden, Candice Lundie, Mark Milner, Karina Peters, Adam Mandarano, Emma Crompton, Tayla Walley and Warren Seymour - Masters
Ten Hornsby Rockets members qualified to compete in the NSW TBA Disbaility Masters Championship  held on Sunday 25th November at Strikers Albion Park, and did very well. This competition was held the day after each of the bowlers had competed in the Lachlan Invitational.

Adam Mandarano won the Open Men's division trophy, with Mark Milner taking second place.

Warren Seymour was placed third in the Restricted Men's division.

In the Restricted Women's division, Candice Lundie took second place (coming within 5 pins of the winner in a series that cam down to the last frame), and Karina Peters took third place.

Every Hornsby Rockets member competing won at least one medal.
Congratulations on your fine efforts!

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