Saturday, 1 July 2017

2017 Nationals - Wrap up

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Wrapping up an eventful week, the Hornsby Rockets Committee, parents and carers would like to congratulate everyone who attended. You did us all proud.

NATIONAL CHAMPION RESTRICTED MASTERS1st - Natham Constable (Plaque and gold medal) 

NSW RESTRICTED TEAM                   2nd          Karina Peters, Natham Constable, Warren Seymour, Tim Wilson and Ben Barber (Bowled with Reanna Skora, Bradley Aranda and Renee Waters)

 NSW OPEN STATE TEAM                   1st              Adam Mandarano (bowled with Kallan Strong, Shelton Farmer, Stephen Warren, Waldemar Szcgygiel and Glen Corbett)
FEMALE C GRADE ALL EVENTS        2nd           Candice Lundie
MALE B GRADE ALL EVENTS            1st            Ben Barber 
MALE C GRADE ALL EVENTS            2nd           Natham Constable
MALE C GRADE SINGLES                   2nd          Natham Constable
B GRADE DOUBLES                            1st           Ben Barber (playing for NSW with Reanna Skora - Illawarra)
C GRADE DOUBLES                            2nd          Lucy Dumitrescu (playing with Renee Riley?)
B GRADE TRIO                                    2nd            Karina Peters, Ben Barber (playing for NSW with Reanna Skora – Illawarra)

C GRADE TRIO                                    2nd          Elizabeth Gosson, Natham Constable, Tim Wilson

Look out, Adelaide. We're going to own 2018