Saturday, 25 February 2017

NSW STATE CHAMPIONSHIPS – abled bodied Lidcombe

Natham, our official StatsMan, pulled the numbers together for us once again. 

On Sunday 12th  February Amy McFadden, Karina Peters, Mark Milner, Natham Constable & Warren Seymour travelled to Lidcombe to compete in the NSW State Championships. The following Sunday (19th February) Angela Moxham, Ben Barber, Candice Lundie and Emma Crompton joined Amy, Karina, Mark, Natham & Warren to represent the Rockets again.

Here’s their stats from the 2 days bowling:

Sunday 12th Feb
Adam                29 pins over average for the series including a five bagger in a nice game of 219
Emma M.          29 pins over average for the series including a four bagger in a nice game of 182
Natham             27 pins over average for the series
Lizzy                 17 pins over average for the series

Amy                   21 pins over average for the series
Emma M           18 pins over average for the series
Angela              17 pins over average for the series

 Adam   .           22 pins over average for the series including a four bagger in a nice game of 189

Sunday 19th Feb
Angela              23 pins over average for the series including a four bagger in a nice game of 172
Adam                Turkey in a nice game of 173
Amy                 19 pins over average for the series

Natham             22 pins over average for the series
Warren              17 pins over average for the series
Karina               16 pins over average for the series
Candice             15 pins over average for the series

Watch this space for results
Well done to all who attended.