Sunday, 4 August 2013

Notice of the 2013 Annual General Meeting

All members are invited to attend the
2013 Annual General Meeting
Hornsby Rockets Ten Pin Bowling Team Inc 
Saturday, 14th September, 2013
at 11.30 am
at Office Works, George Street, Hornsby  
(meeting room, first floor)

Official business
  • At this meeting, the current Committee members and office bearers will stand down and a new Committee and office bearers will be elected. 
  • A motion will be put to confirm the minutes of the last  Annual General Meeting
  • The Hornsby Rockets Annual Report and Accounts will be tabled.

Nominations for three Committee members and the executive positions of

must be received by the Secretary by 7th September, 2013
A nomination form has been emailed to all members - additional forms can be obtained from the Secretary, Jill O'Connor