Friday, 17 August 2012

Hornsby Rockets in TBA reports on the 2012 Australian Disabilities Championship

Hornsby Rockets have featured in two reports about the recent national championships in Hobart, published by Tenpin Bowling Australia:

Our home bowling alley, AMF Hornsby submitted this report.

And Georgie's lovely smile lights up the TBA's own news item (and it looks like a couple of Rockets are in the background).

“Tenpin Bowling Australia is committed to growing participation in the sport for people with a disability as well as continuing to grow events such as the TBA National Disability Championships ,” stated Tenpin Bowling Australia CEO, Cara Honeychurch. 

“We are truly excited about the future of the sport for people with a disability and this is a strong focus area for Tenpin Bowling Australia moving forward,” she said. 

Thursday, 16 August 2012

Change of date for North Strathfield competition

The date of the  North Strathfield Championships, hosted by the Lachlan Tigers has been postponed from 6th October as advised earlier.

A tentative date has been set: 24th November, but is still to be finalised.

Further information will be made available to bowlers when details are confirmed.

2012 Annual General Meeting

All members are invited to attend the

2012 Annual General Meeting


Hornsby Rockets Ten Pin Bowling Team Inc 

Saturday, 15th September, 2012

at 11.30 am

at Office Works, Hornsby
(meeting room, first floor)

Official business:
  •  At this meeting, the current Committee members and office bearers will stand down and a new Committee and office bearers will be elected.
  •  A motion will be put to confirm the minutes of the last Annual General Meeting
  • The Hornsby Rockets Annual Report and Accounts will be tabled.
The AGENDA can be downloaded here.
The MINUTES of the 2011 AGM can be downloaded here.

Nominations for three Committee members and the positions of

       Vice President

must be received by the Secretary by 8th September, 2012

A nomination form for committee positions can be dowloaded from here – additional forms can also be obtained from the Secretary (Jill O’Connor) or the President (Ron Crompton).

Monday, 6 August 2012

Premier's certificates

Six Hornsby Rockets members were chosen to represent NSW in the Interstate Challenge at the TBA Australian Disabilities Championship in Hobart in June.  They bowled for NSW, and then they bowled for Hornsby Rockets as well.

Our Patron, State MP for Hornsby, Matt Kean called in bowling last Saturday to present the NSW State team members with certificates of achievement from the NSW Premier.

Karina Peters, Candice Lundie, Emma Crompton, Warren Seymour and Tim Wilson with their Premier's Certificates of Achievement, after the presentation by Matt Kean.  Jenny Jones was absent.