Sunday, 25 April 2010

Trivia Night - next Saturday, 1st May

6 days to go, for a night of fun and games.  You can still book a table, or make a donation - click here for details.

Invitational Success - thanks

Thank you to everyone who helped yo make our annual Invitational Tournament a great success last weekend - organisers, helpers over the weekend, and bowlers (our won and and our visitors).
Photos coming soon.

Monday, 5 April 2010

Lars Emmerson Retrospective Art Show

Studio ARTES has issued an invitation to the viewing of the

Lars Emmerson Retrospective Art Show
Friday evening April 9th 2010
Between 5pm and 9pm
Gallery ARTES
Cnr George & Florence Sts Hornsby

Entry : $10 per person, $5 per Studio ARTES member, $20 per family (for light refreshments & towards Studio ARTES in memory of Lars)

The exhibition will be open for one week from
Saturday 10th to Sunday 18th April
10am-4pm daily
Gold coin donation
More than 50 of Lars's works will be on exhibition.